Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 4

6:30am- Didn't get my food in right away since it was time to go see the Dentist.

8:30am- 3egss(2 white 1 yolk), I had them toss in a crushed peice of crispy bacon-10 walnuts-black coffee

11am- CFE WOD-Worked on Thrusters and some ring push ups.

11:45qm-Post meal-4oz Bison, onions, garlic.

130-2pm-4oz steak-10 walnuts-1 head Broc.

5pm-10 walnuts.

8pm-4oz steak-10 walnuts- 1 head broc.

15g of fish oil throughout the day and 3 cups of green tea.

1 comment:

  1. Really have to try some of that Bison! Checking it out today for sure
